Round the World Podcast

Round the World with Cracklin Jane is a weekly 1-hour radio show produced at the easternmost community station in the US, WSHD-LP Eastport. Each episode consists of a fictional adventure, punctuated by about 16 recordings of mostly popular music from the first half of the 20th century - in either 78-RPM or cylinder format, and with the pronounced crackling surface noise of authenticity. Cracklin Jane herself has been in love with the snap, crackle, and pop of 78 RPM records since childhood. A noisy record is a sign that it was loved and played to death by its original owners.
Most of the recordings heard on Round the World are from the US; however, we also feature 78 RPM recordings from every other continent - except Antarctica!

WSHD-LP Eastport (aka Tiger Radio) is a low-budget non-profit station with a small exclusive listening area including the US towns surrounding Eastport, Maine, as well as Campobello, Grand Manan, and Deer Island in Canada. We play music you most likely won’t hear on any commercial station. Despite abject pleas from our rabid fans to stream WSHD, the station cannot afford to do it yet. Hence, the Round the World Podcast. Please consider supporting WSHD

If you would like to feature Round the World With Cracklin’ Jane on your community radio station, drop us a line on the contact page.